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We're Here for You.

100% Free. 100% Confidential.

Pregnancy Tests

We provide free pregnancy tests at our office so that everyone has equal access to the first step in finding out if you are pregnant.

Abortion Education

We are committed to providing comprehensive information about abortion, including risks, complications and long-term effects.


We offer a variety of counseling services to women in need. We are dedicated to not just physical health, but mental health as well.

Doctor Referrals

Sometimes just getting connected to a doctor can be a struggle — and the pandemic has made securing a healthcare provider more challenging. We want to ensure that step is feasible.

Limited Ultrasounds

You may be eligible to receive an ultrasound scan that will confirm if your pregnancy is viable. Before you decide, be informed and make healthy decisions for you.

STD Education

STD’s can be serious, but are often treatable. We will help you understand the symptoms, risks, and treatment options that are available.

Adoption Referrals

Adoption can be a complicated process, but we are here to get you connected to the right resources who can help you through every step.

Financial Assistance

We are here for you beyond just your pregnancy and can connect you with referrals for financial assistance, education, and housing options.

Maternity & Baby Clothes

We want you and your baby to be comfortable and prepared for any weather. Our programs include access to a selection of donated clothing.

Baby Supplies

Carseats, strollers, changing tables — supplies can be hard to come by. Thanks to generous donors, we can help secure various baby items.


We have a handful of classes and opportunities offered to assist those in need including Prenatal, Parenting, Post-Abortion, and ongoing mentorship.

Hablamos Español

Tenemos consejeras atentas que hablan español y están encantadas de ayudarle. Llame por favor a nuestro centro hoy para hacer una cita. Llamenos á (504) 500-9824

We offer so much more than a pregnancy test and baby items… 

We believe education is just as important for your well-being (and your baby’s well-being) as physical support. We want you to be well-informed about your pregnancy and how to stay healthy — in your body as well as your emotions and relationships.

Schedule an appointment.

We would love to talk with you about your situation and ways we can help. There is no obligation and everything is 100% confidential.

Become a client of the center.

Over the course of your pregnancy, you will meet with our caring counselors for four scheduled visits.

Support from people who care.

At every visit, you will receive emotional support and baby items — as well as helpful information about pregnancy, family, raising a baby, and more.

Pregnancy and Family Resource Center

Just For You